Thursday, June 21, 2018

Do as I say, now not as I do

Do as I say, now not as I do

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U.S. Army Rangers say "Rangers Lead the Way"; they mean it and so they live it. Navy Seals say "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday"and I believe them.

So here's the ideal slogan that I could identify to mind that our elected officials can say with meaning; and in any case live up to: "."

I have been advised that there has been a time when public service was a noble element. When elected officials in any case took up the banner of the americans; and labored diligently to serve them. I have also been advised that dinosaurs once roamed the earth.

Take the problem of fitness care let's say. Forget for the wireless what your private opinion happens to be regarding the steadiness of a countrywide fitness care plan, and as a replacement recognition on how our elected officials paintings themselves into the very plan they'd impose on the remainder of us.

I am inclined to bet that I see a real Jurassic Park (with living dinosaurs), neatly before I see any elected valid take in a principled position on any topic, if doing so entails with it any risk (no topic how small) of losing a re-election bid.

Again, it after all would no longer topic even if you agree or no longer that there's also a countrywide fitness care plan. But it completely does topic if the americans we elect have the audacity to make laws that be explicit that they're enhanced supplied for than you.

There is in any respect the undeniable statement that, a curious item written into this legislation. Surprisingly (or most with out a doubt no longer) the legislation fairly exempts federal people and members of Congress from the plan. This little tidbit was blanketed in Friday's Wall Street Journal. So in essence, we get one government plan for all of "us"and but one more (meaning enhanced) plan for our "leaders".

Remember when leaders would in any case lead? When leaders led by example? When a pacesetter would say "follow me" and then in any case lead the procedure into the unknown; assuming the executed risks being asked of everybody else? When it was anathema to invite a man to do what you your self would not do?

Do as I say, no longer as I do

As a wireless primer; The Affordable Health Choices Act, drafted by Senator Edward Kennedy's staffwith a little aid from the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committeeis the legislation that the President is urging swift approval of. It would, in effect, create an HMO kind fitness gain plan administered by the federal government.

Isn't it normal that kind of leadership exists in our militia but is fully absent in our elected officials? Our elected officials actual don't have any shortage of challenges out there to exhibit this type of leadershipof route, without all that risk of being killed.

Sadly, I haven't in any case witnessed either of those routine...and handiest the dinosaurs left any proof in their life.

There are however occasions where we witness this type of leadership. The U.S. Military very about oozes it. One of the more installed (and literal) slogans of the U.S. Marine Corps is "First to Fight"; they mean itand they live it.

Holistic Ways to Combat Dementia

Image source: Unique genes that predispose y...